Wednesday, July 6, 2011

i am someone's perfect girl

Got this mail today...

"I am someone's perfect girl.
I hoard books.
I read news all the time."

and it goes on...


Got more mails like this today...

about 27 of them...

kinda hard to believe you girl. when there are so many of you saying the same thing.

"I subscribe to several magazines and newspapers, not because I have time to read all of them, but because I like to think I do."

Seriously?! you like to think you have the time to read all of the magazines and newspapers you subscribe to?

you know what i think girl?

Your country's economy must run thanks to these very magazine and newspaper manufacturers... given that you claim to subscribe to so many of them, and i have about 3870 mails from more like you with the exact same claim, and given the predictions, i might receive about 9987 more mails like this from different girls like you by the end of the month, that's a lot of money being pumped into the system eh?

(and that's the first installment in what i can hope to be is a funny series of replies to a mail that comes to me from different names)

watch out for more soon...

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