Friday, December 14, 2007


darkness embedded in my being
my soul unforgiving
i close my eyes call out a prayer
there's no one to answer no one to heed
my call in the night goes unheard
even in the light the screams unrelenting
mind in a twist
messed up and clouded in mist
i try to focus, my thoughts run astray
no chance this is happenin, no way
i'm fighting it but i know i cant win
this is it, time to throw the towel in
"i give up" i yell, i scream , i shout
blows after hard blows rain down, the baton stout
the taste of blood, metallic, at the back of my throat
not a sound escapes me as my spirit goes afloat
the end


  1. Patrao, been a long time since you wrote. Keep at it buddy. Good you don't have pain in your life anymore, but that don't mean ya stop writing.

  2. sure thing patrao... n thanks sonal...
